Kavanaugh's appointment exemplifies America's archaic ideals

Feature photo retrieved from People.

In September, two women, Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, accused then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting them in the early 1980s.

On Sept. 27, Ford and Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and while all Kavanaugh did was get angry and deny the allegations of Ford, he reigned supreme. Despite the investigation, Kavanaugh was sworn into the Supreme Court on Oct. 6, in a 50-48 vote, giving Republicans a majority conservative representation in the country’s highest court.(.

This is not an uncommon trend in the United States. Men maintain their status and power, despite the crimes they commit against women. This trend is interwoven into multiple aspects of our country’s culture from sports (Ray Rice) to academia (Brock Turner). Men are given minimal consequences, if any, in relation to their crimes against women. This is detrimental to social progress and reconfirms archaic ideals that plague our country’s social and political climate.

Kavanaugh’s nomination and subsequent confirmation formalizes the concept that despite circumstances, morals and ethics, powerful men will be victorious in America. It sets an example that men will not be held accountable for their actions, even if these actions are damaging to women. It also demonstrates the harmful rhetoric that when men gain power, women falsify their experiences in an attempt to tear them down.

Historically, women have been oppressed and while progress has been made, the oppression we face remains evident. Historical policies like salary discrepancies, the inability to serve in a jury constitutionally and unfair welfare laws against women are all instances of this sad truth.

Religion displays female oppression in figures like Eve, who was made in the image of man and intended only for that role. A more contemporary example of women facing oppression is recording artist Ke$ha, who was sexually assaulted and verbally abused by her producer, then denied rights to her music. Oppression of women is also worldwide, where women like Shia and activist Israa al-Ghomgham are facing the death penalty for speaking out about their struggles.

By appointing Kavanaugh, America reaffirms the idea that women’s feelings, experiences and truths are not enough to alter the power dynamic already in place. This status quo places men at the top of the totem pole, and women on the bottom.

Kavanaugh’s appointment also illustrates the lack of importance that America places on sexual assault. Rather than deeming it as a serious offense to be thoroughly investigated, it is often reduced to a trend or a hashtag that fades over time. The patriarchal environment we live in is verified through the continuation of the power dynamic in which white men gain and remain in power despite their heinous offenses against minorities like women.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation depicts the glowing truth in society.